A simple way to think Positive…stay motivated
How to motivate self on a daily basis

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily.” — Zig Ziglar
Positive thinking, positive attitude, optimism, and a progressive mindset have several benefits for growth, development, success, and happiness. Numerous research studies have proved the impact and influence of positive thinking on health, well-being, success, and happiness. We all know the power of motivation for self and others.
Think positive… stay positive…be optimistic… Replace negative thoughts from the mind with positive thoughts…..are the words and phrases we use in our personal and professionals life.
Our parents, teachers, friends, managers, and others motivate us using these words.
“Our life is the creation of our Mind” — Buddha
Aneta Cruz had said “Your Mind is your greatest power. Use it well.”
The Bhagavad Gita mentioned — “Our own mind acts like an enemy if we do not control it.

There are thousands of Self-Help books and articles on Positive thinking and motivation for success and happiness. But most of people suffer from negative thoughts and feelings. Like in any garden where unwanted weeds grow regularly with good plants, similarly negative thoughts and feelings of fear, anxieties, failure, rejection, etc. come to our mind naturally. We need to take care of good plants in the garden same time remove the unwanted weeds. It is important for us to deal with negative thoughts and feelings on daily basis. But it is well said than done.
The million-dollar question is how to stay positive and stay motivated to achieve success and lead a life of happiness and fulfillment. WHAT part is clear but the HOW part is difficult. People suggest many ways to stay positive and stay motivated i.e. Reading good books, have the company of positive and supportive people, do meditation, yoga and practice mindfulness, etc. Many of this help but often people fall back to the old habit of thinking negative, inferiority complex, demotivated by a small setback, and due to lack of appreciation from others.
One simple way I practice to stay positive is I love and appreciate Quotations. I read and write quotations on daily basis. I take photos of the posters, charts, or even books having quotations. I have personally noted down 2,685 quotations of Buddha, Confucius, Aristotle, Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekanand, Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandela, APJ Abdul Kalam, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, James Allen, Norman Vincent Peale, Benjamin Franklin, and many others in my two notebooks in last 5 years. I glance at the tweets of quotations online. Now it has become my habit.

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” — Jim Rohn
Anyone can stay positive and stay motivated by developing a habit of collecting, reading, and writing Quotations on daily basis. It also helps self-reflection, creativity, and thinking differently.
One can get all types of quotations from various books, magazines, calendars, posters, and even from signboards. The Internet is one of the easy sources of quotations. There are several websites that publish quotations. One can get interesting and inspiring quotations from Twitter also.

But just glancing or passive reading of the quotation will not help much to think positive or stay motivated. One needs to note down a few quotations in a journal, diary, or notebook or on a computer or even by mobile phone on a regular basis if not possible every day. Regular practice, reflection, and re-enforcements are the keys to a new habit formation.
“We can not start over, but we can begin now and make a new ending.” — Zig Ziglar
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