New Year Resolutions, Wishes and Habits

Motivational Series for Personal and Professional Development

Series # 1 (Dt. 3-2-2016, Wednesday)

Few days before the New Year and during the first week of New Year most of us become excited and emotionally charged to bring some changes in us and in the world. We wish Happy New Year to our family members, friends, colleagues and others. We celebrate it in different ways.

“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering it will be happier …” – Alfred Lord Tennyson.

We make many Resolutions to stop bad habits i.e.  Smoking, eating junk foods, procrastination, short temper, negative thinking, use less mobile and internet. And start new habits and develop skills i.e. start fitness regime (going to Gym, attend a Yoga class, Walking etc.), Reading and Writing, Drawing, Dancing, Cultivate good manners, Be assertive, Proactive, Helping wife in Household things, Teaching children etc. 

We also prepare wish list for our professional life / workplace i.e. to reach office early, Planning and organizing things in office, to be a good team member, achieve targets in time, motivate team members, develop networking with professionals, innovate and work efficiently  etc.
People expect and hope that there will be harmony, peace, happiness and progress in the world. The world will be a better place to work and live. Govt will be more proactive. Poverty, Unemployment, Inequality, Crime will be reduced.

There are many publications in the newspapers, magazines and online  - how make New Year Resolutions, how to set Goals during that period.

Very few people put their resolutions and wish list in writing but most of us just keep these in our mind. What happens afterwards…… in the few weeks of 1st month. We forget our resolutions and wish list. We went back to our old habits.  New year becomes a old one … normal …as usual …

“Rightly understood the New Year festival is an act of faith. It is easier for the year to change than to change ourselves. But we believe that somehow, magically one will lead to the other”. – R. Joseph Hoffmann

 To be continued in every Wednesday ……..


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