We all want to win in exam, games, sports, negotiations, bidding interview, jobs, professions and in many events. Winning makes people successful, happy and enhance their confidence to improve, try new things and keep on moving. Nobody wants to lose. But very few win continuously whatever they do in their life. Many win in one occasion but lose subsequently. What are the qualities required for WINNING ? Lots of things i.e. STRATEGY, PLANNING, EXECUTION, HARD WORK, CONFIDENCE, DETERMINATION, PRACTICE, PREPARATION, PATIENCE, RISK TAKING, COLLABORATION, TEAM WORK etc. are required for WINNING. What is the first step for Winning? What one should do in order to win? From my experience I would say that “DETERMINATION is the First Step towards WINNING” Oxford Dictionary defines “ DETERMINATION as firmness of purpose, controlling or deciding of the nature or outcome of something, tendency to move in a particular direction”. There are lots of examples “Ho...