After a long gap of one year I am writing on my blog. FACEBOOK has suppressed  my blog writing because of its convenience and popularity. I was simply posting photos, quotes and up-dates on FACEBOOK. Now I have decided to write blog once in a week and post the link in my FACEBOOK & TWITTER sites. 

Everyday I read inspirational quotes from newspapers, magazines, books, Internet etc. to learn, to enjoy and keep myself motivated for life and society.Today I was helping my daughter to arrange her books and notebooks in the cupboard. I saw back cover of a notebook (published by NAVNEET Publication (I) Ltd., Mumbai) with 26 quotes arranged serially from "A to Z" alphabets. I found these quotes as interesting and inspirational. I am posting these on my blog for wider dissemination for learning of others. I hope you will enjoy these quotes.

A – Avoid negative people, places, things and habits.
B – Believe in yourself.
C – Consider things from all angles.
D – Don’t give up and don’t give in.
E – Enjoy life today. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow never comes
F – Family and friends are hidden treasures. Always value them.
G – Give more than you planned.
H – Hang on your dreams.
I – Ignore those who try to discourage you.
J – Just do it.
K – Keep trying no matter how hard it seems. It will be easier.
L – Love yourself first and most.
M – Make dreams happen.
N – Never lie, cheat or steal. Always strike a fair deal.
O – Open your eyes and see things as they really are.
P – Practice makes perfect.
Q – Quitters never win and winners never quit.
R – Read and learn about everything important to you.
S – Stop procrastinating.
T – Take control of your own destiny.
U – Understand yourself in order to understand others better.
V – Visualize your dreams.
W – Want your dream more than anything.
X – Xccelerate your efforts.
Y – You are a unique individual. Nothing can replace you.
Z – Zero in on your goals and go for them.


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