It takes Courage to answer a Call: ANNA you did it for India

It takes courage to answer a call
It takes courage to give your all
It takes courage to risk your name,
It takes courage to be true.

It takes courage to say,
what no other will dare,
To be standing alone, one whom no one will own,
To be ready to stake, for another man’s sake,
It takes courage to be true.

It takes courage to say, what you know will not pay,
To give each one share, though will be less to spare,
To be seeking no more, than the neighbour next door,
It takes courage to be true

(The above poem is from my daughter Shubhra’s school Book but
it is very much relevant with present movement against corruption in India by ANNA)

“ANNA” did it when other Indian could not think about it.

It was easier to fight against British rule than to oppose inaction
of a democratically elected own govt. on CORRUPTION issue.

It is easier to post a “tweet on TWITTER and paste a link in the FACEBOOK page;
than to sit on HUNGER for people for 7+ days.

It is easier debate on issue or watch news coverage on Television;
than to challenge powerful politician and govt. officials on the ground.

It is easier to see photos and read articles on Newspaper than
to inspire millions of people to come forward to fight against corruption by setting example.

Your dedicated life is an example for all of us.
You are the second leader after Gandhi on Non-violence way of fighting for our cause.

Your JAN LOKPAL bill may not get passed in the parliament in the original form;
but your selfless motive and action will definitely reduce corruption in India.
Millions of people in India and around the world will remember you forever.

ANNA you did it for India and world will follow your footsteps.
Our salute to you and we are with you.

May god bless you for your health and determination to fight against corruption.


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