UNV PO (India country head)’s Jharkhand visit

Anoj Chhetri, India country head of United Nation Volunteers (UNV) visited Hazaribagh & Gumla district of Jharkhand on 13 & 14th May 2010. I accompanied him during the visit as State Project Officer (SPO) of GoI – UN Joint Programme on Convergence. On 13th May 2010 in Hazaribagh district he visited Kanchanpur village and interacted with women SHG members. In the district headquarter he discussed with District Planning Officer (DPO) and UN district team members (District Facilitator & District Support Officer).

On 14th May 2010 he visited Gumla district, discussed with District Planning Officer (DPO) and UN district team members (District Facilitator & District Support Officer) in DPMU (District Planning & Monitoring Unit) office. He visited “Jhargoan” the model convergence village and interacted with women SHG members and community leaders. He met beneficiaries of DRI (Differential Rate of Interest) scheme of Bank in a slum and also in a programme organized by Punjab National Bank (PNB) & SITARA (NGO) in Gumla town.

Mail of Anoj Chhetri after Gumla district visit.

Dear Bishnu,


You and your team in Jharkhand deserve our special appreciation for all good works. I am highly impressed by team work demonstrated in Gumla district. It would benefit other aspiring districts if they would visit Gumla and interact with a range of stakeholders converged for peace and development. The footstep that you have made shall contribute to achieve the overall objectives of the project.

We shall highlight it through our publications and network.

Please keep it up.

Best regards

Anoj Chhetri
UNV Programme Officer
United Nations Development Programme
55, Lodhi Estate
New Delhi - 110 003, India


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