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The Friday Funda (TFF) : No. 20, Date: 16th Sept. 2022 Theme: Bright-Line Rules

  Bright-Line Rules A bright-line rule refers to a clearly defined rule or standard. It is a rule with clear interpretation and very little wiggle room. It establishes a bright line for what the rule is saying and what it is not saying. The story behind the Bright-Line Rule In USA, in the year 1966, a man named Ernesto Miranda was arrested in Phoenix. The police had very little to go on, but they suspected Miranda of kidnapping and raping an 18-year-old woman ten days earlier. The officers interrogated Miranda for two hours and were rewarded for their effort: Miranda admitted to the rape charge and signed a confession paper. There was just one problem. During the interrogation, Miranda had been alone and at no point was he informed that he had the right to legal counsel. When the case went to trial, Miranda’s written confession was used as evidence. He was quickly convicted, but his lawyer appealed because Miranda had never been informed of his rights and thus, according ...

The Friday Funda (TFF) No. 18, Date: 2nd Sept. 2022 : Learning and Developing Emotional Intelligence (EI)

  Theme: Emotional Intelligence (EI); Part – IV Learning and Developing Emotional Intelligence (EI) (Reference Book : EI by Rajagopalan Purushothaman) Can Emotional Intelligence be learned? Is it possible to apply Emotional Intelligence to varied settings, i.e. family, groups, workplace, sports, networking etc.? Yes. One can learn and apply Emotional Intelligence in varied settings. Research conducted worldwide has proved that with age and practice Emotional Intelligence increases.     Many researchers and practitioners have proposed various ways to increase Emotional Intelligence. According to Rajagopalan, one needs to work on three (3) things i.e. Mindfulness, Resilience and Compassion to build Emotional Intelligence. Mindfulness Mindfulness is being in the present moment. Mindfulness is about experiencing people, situations and nature in the present moment. It is about eliminating thoughts related to the problems, challenges and misfortunes of the...

The Friday Funda (TFF) No. 17, Date: 26th Aug. 2022 : Emotional Intelligence (EI) in the Indian Context

 Theme: Emotional Intelligence (EI); Part – III Emotional Intelligence (EI) in the Indian Context (Reference N. Gayatri and K. Meenakshi, VIT University, Vellore) The Bhagavad-Gita (The Divine Song) considered to be the fifth Veda, is lord Krishna’s moral guidance to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. It is considered the essence of the four Vedas (Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva) (Easwaran, 1995). The Bhagavad-Gita refers to the emotionally intelligence person as a ‘Sthithapragnya ’ (the emotionally stable person). A Sthithapragny, according to Krishna, is one who remains unperturbed in the face of calamity and takes good or evil with equanimity. He is neither happy when something good happens, nor is he affected when things go against him. There are many striking similarities between Krishna’s emotionally stable person (Sthisthapragnya) and Mayer and Salovey’s emotionally intelligent person. Mayer and Salovey list as the skills pertaining to the fourth branch of their abilit...

The Friday Funda (TFF) No. 16, Date: 19th Aug. 2022 Theme: Emotional Intelligence (EI) – Part - II

  Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a multi-dimensional concept which has a significant influence on the behaviour of human beings.   Emotional Intelligence w.r.t. Human Personality   Three components of Human Personality (by Ajay K Jain, MDI, Gurugram) I. Cognition II. Affect III. Conation    Cognition   Cognition refers to an implicit process of knowing the real world and it is related to our rational and logical thinking, learning and remembering, analysis and prediction etc. The concept of intelligence belongs to cognitive aspects of human personality, wherein “Intelligence is the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with the environment.   Affect   Affect refers to the emotional interpretation of perceptions, information or knowledge. It is generally associated with one’s attachment (positive or negative) to people, objects, ideas etc. Mood and feelings ...

The Friday Funda (TFF) No. 15, Date: 12th Aug. 2022 : Theme: Emotional Intelligence (EI) – Part - I

  The world is becoming VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) with globalization and technological advancement (digital era). There are hyper competitions, frequent changes, conflicting demands from stakeholders, technological disruption, knowledge-based intervention and customer-driven processes among organizations. Human capital has become a scarce resource. Workplace adaptation, productivity, collaboration and job satisfaction for an employee in an organization have become more complex.   According to a study by World Economic Forum “Skills on-demand beyond 2020 would be complex problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, people management, coordinating with others, emotional intelligence, judgment and decision making, service orientation, negotiation and cognitive flexibility."     It specifies Emotional Intelligence (EI) as one of the many vital competencies.      Several research studies have shown that Emotional Intelligence...