Two Advice for Career and Life

S & S # 6 (dated 3rd March 2017) Different Knowledge base and skill sets are required to perform different tasks and to pursue different careers. But positive attitude and certain values are important for all jobs and careers. If a person practices certain values then he /she may not reach the top of the ladder of career but will have inner peace and get respect from colleagues and people. I had noted two advice – one from RD Tata and another from Maulana Wahiduddin Khan in my diary which I think are relevant even today for career and life. I do practice these two advice. I. “You will find in your path many pitfalls and temptations which you will have to shun and jump over, through great difficulties. If you always keep before your eyes truth and honesty whatever happens, you will come out safe – at least you will never be discredited or dishonoured”. - JRD Tata’s father RD Tata wrote a letter and said above thing in Dec. 1921 ...